Commercial & Industrial – Power Market

Commercial & Industrial Power Market Projects


CALS is facilities its customer requirements in the power market by the way of captive, group captive and third party sale to utilize maximum demands.

Based on the customer demands/needs, we suggest/facilitate a captive power plant facility that provides a localised source of power to an energy user. These are typically industrial facilities, large offices or data centres. The plants may operate in grid parallel mode with the ability to export surplus power to the local electricity distribution network. Alternatively, they may have the ability to operate in Island mode, i.e. independently of the local electricity distribution system.

In large capacity, we suggest/facilitate group captive scheme is where someone develops a power plant for collective usage of many commercial consumers. At present, a power project is considered ‘captive’ if consuming entity or entities consume at least 51% of the power generated and owns at least 26% of the equity.

We also suggest/facilitate 3rd party sale scheme for those who needs STOA arrangements Intra-state open access as per regulations.